Biography of AJ8B

“Ham” Career

I was first licensed as WN8IQN 1971. Three years later, I again passed the Novice and received WN8TZN. I passed the Novice, General and Advanced on August 11th of 1978 and received KB8DF.

My Current "Antenna Farm"

My Current “Antenna Farm”

Finally, I upgraded to Extra in February of 1979. In April of 79, I received AJ8B.

My OM and Elmer was K8DWE. Dad became a Silent Key on 3/31/2014.

I enjoy Contesting and chasing DX in a manageable sort of way.

I am a member of the ARRL, NCDXF, CWOPS #1567. I am the president of the Southwest Ohio DX Association, past DXDinner chairman, and editor of the SWODXA Newsletter. I am the editor of the weekly DX Column in the Oh Section Journal. I am also the editor of the Twin City DX Association newsletter, The Grayline.

Recently, I took on the task of being the 8th Call Area Incoming QSL Bureau “N” card sorter.

I published  a Raspberry PI article in the January 2019 issue of QST entitled “Raspberry PI / QSL Display Board”, “A 24 Hour Contest Recorder” in the Winter 2019 edition of the National Contest Journal, and “Protecting Your Contest PC” in the August/September 2020 edition of the National Contest Journal.

More detailed info can be found on the bio-page.